👨💻 Hackathons
27 Highlights
Using Joshua Tauberer's definition, these are Hackathons that I have attended, volunteered at, mentored, judged, or organised.
ManMetHacks 2.0 (Judge / Mentor / Volunteer)
At ManMetHacks 2.0 I assisted the 20+ teams of 120+ attendees with their technical issues, teaching them the skills require for them to complete their task, the...

MLH Local Hack Day Build (Volunteer)
Volunteering at the Hack Day required me to assist in the setup of the event, along with providing technical help to attendees when necessary....

StudentHack VII (Hackathon)
Welcome to Custom CV, a site to assist you in creating custom resume simply & easily to aid you in applying for jobs....

Google Hash Code 2019
Given a few hours Google challenged us in teams to come up with a solution to an algorithmic issue....

Hack Jam Storytellers United
In 36 hours, we were put into teams to brainstorm ideas, create open-source projects and demo prototypes of our own responsive/perceptive storytelling experienc...

Two+Two Collaboration Event
Two+Two was a one day event in central Manchester, from 9am until 6pm on Friday 16th February 2018, bringing creative, technical and marketing students together...
Creative Data Lab
Using open data and social media, TfL challenge us to encourage the public to reconsider their travel options in London and ultimately choose off-peak public tr...

HackTheNorth 2.0 (Hackathon)
Our idea was to make the process of appointments smoother, helping those that might have anxiety calmer and less likely to skip, my role was web development....

GreatUniHack18 (Hackathon)
Recreating a 90's website in an original way, we decided to recreate Slack as if it were an IRC (Internet Relay Chat) from the 90's (with easter eggs from mIRC)...

Hack Manchester 2018 (Hackathon)
My teams project, the Party Parrot Network, where I did the front-end development, was shortlisted for the best in show with three others, essentially it were t...
BCS Hackathon 2018
In aid with the British Cardiovascular Society, my team created an aim to get people to check their blood pressure, which we presented to the panel backed up wi...

StudentHack VI (Hackathon)
What we created was the love child between Town of Salem (similar to the Werewolf Game), but with a Computer Science theme, and a Kahoot form of interaction (us...

Village Software Data Quest
We had been challenged to find the 3 most prosperous 10x10 plots of land in a 1000x1000 island, each being rich in a resource thats value changed (which we were...

Games For The Many
Over two days a mixture of experienced developers to campaigners and activists who have never coded before collab'ed to create a political game....

Two+Two Collaboration Event
Two+Two was a one day event in central Manchester, from 9am until 6pm on Friday 16th February 2018, bringing creative, technical and marketing students together...

HomlessHack (Hackathon)
Based on a model that merges Air BnB with foster care, the system would match people in need with those who show empathy, ideally before they become homeless....

TravelSpirit Hackout (Hackathon)
Cards are not readily available on hand, are cumbersome the more collected and can easily get lost, with TAPIT, we hope to solve that, providing a more convenie...